Welcome to Shamama

Find Your Feminine Power and Balance

No other women’s coach will personally hold your hand through your journey of transformation

Expertise Areas

Being a woman doesn't have to mean suffering

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No More Pain

Normal, healthy periods don't actually include pain - neither while bleeding, nor while ovulating. Let me help you ease your flow, naturally.

No More Pharma

There are natural, drug-free alternatives to maintaining control over your fertility and contraception. Let's break the chains of dependency on pharma.

No More Overflowing/ Missing Periods

Whether your menstruation is too bloody or missing altogether, identifying and targeting the root cause will bring you to balance.

Our Services

You’re eligible for a free consultation call (worth 500e) to find out whether our service and style match your needs.

No pushy sales here! We’re devoted to actual service and will recommend you something else, if we don’t feel like a match.

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Cycle Sync

The women’s cyclical wellness 1-on-1 coaching program designed to find the root cause of your problem, and teach you to gain sovereign control over it.

Rites of Passage

Giving the transformational moments of your life the honouring they are due, like moving past the Maiden, the Mother, or the Sorceress phase, helps you anchor in the teachings of your journey.


Want to make booking or have a question?

Call us on +358 44 548 0387 or simply book an appointment

Have a Look at Our


Discover the transformative experiences of women who have benefited from our expert coaching and ceremonies.

Isabelle Wolf

“Liina’s coaching completely changed my perspective on womanhood. Her insights into feminine cycles and holistic health were invaluable. Thank you, Liina, for your guidance and support!”

Roosa Lundström

“Thanks to Liina’s wellness coaching, I now fully embrace my feminine cycles. Her deep understanding and compassionate approach made a huge difference in my life.”

Tanja Fenz

“Liina’s holistic approach to feminine wellness transformed my life. Her wisdom and care are unmatched, providing truly transformative insights and practices. Forever grateful for her guidance.”

Christina Lechner

“The initiation ceremony led by Liina was an incredible experience. It beautifully marked my personal transformation. I highly recommend Liina’s services for anyone seeking meaningful life transitions.”

Shamama coaching is the best till date I have experienced in past few months. They know womanhood very well.
Brenda Greene
San Francisco
Download our free guide

3 Reasons Your Periods Cause

This free pdf teaches you the details of why your periods are a source of complaining – and how to fix it.

Or just book a free consultation call!




for In person meetings

Pesä läsnäolon yhteisö
Näsilinnankatu 28 E 5 (3rd floor)
33200 Tampere Finland

appointment hours

We can meet online pretty much any time, but our time zone is EET and we also like to sleep 😉


+358 44 548 0387
Email: [email protected]